KINETIC THEORY OF GASES - Topic Wise Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
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Volume, pressure and temperature of an ideal gas are V, P, T respectively. If mass of molecule is m, then its density is [ kB = Boltzmann's constant]
Select correcct option from the following options
(A) [P / (kBT)] (B) [Pm / (kBT)]
(C) [P / (kBTV)] (D) mkBT
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The temperature of an ideal gas at atmospheric pressure is 300 K and volume 1 m3. If temperature and volume become double, then pressure will be
Select correct option from the following options
(A) 4 × 105 Nm–2 (B) 2 × 105 Nm–2
(C) 1 × 105 Nm–2 (D) 0.5 × 105 Nm–2
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At 100 K and 0.1 atmospheric pressure, the volume helium gas is 10 liters. If volume and pressure are doubled, its temperature will change to
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What is the mass of 2 liters of nitrogen at 22.4 atmospheric pressure and 273 K. (R = 8.314 Jmol k–1)
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An electron tube was sealed off during manufacture at a pressure of 1 × 10–7 torr at 27°C. Its volume is 100 cm3. The number of molecules that remain in the tube is_______(density of mercury is 13.6 gcm–3) (1 torr = 133 Pa)
(A) 3.9 × 1011 (B) 3 × 1016
(C) 2 × 1014 (D) 7 × 1011