OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES - Topic Wise Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
1 )
If the equation for a particle performing S.H.M. is given by y = sin 2t + √3 cos 2t, its periodic time will be …….. s.
2 )
A person standing in a stationary lift measures the periodic time of a simple pendulum inside the lift to be equal to T. Now, if the lift moves along the vertically upward direction with an acceleration of (g/3), then the periodic time of the lift will now be……………
3 )
If the equation for displacement of two particles executing S.H.M. is given by y1 = 2 sin (10t + θ) and y2 = 3 cos 10t respectively, then the phase difference between the velocity of two particles will be ……….
4 )
When a body having mass m is suspended from the free end of two springs suspended from a rigid support, as shown in figure, its periodic time of oscillation is T. If only one of the two springs are used, then the periodic time would be ………
5 )
If the maximum velocity of two springs (both has same mass) executing S.H.M. and having force constants k1 and k2 respectively are same, then the ratio of their amplitudes will be ……..
Select correct option from following options
(A) (k1 / k2) (B) (k2 / k1)
(C) √(k1 / k2) (D) √(k2 / k1)