Bank exams require more preparation and strategy for crack the exam and you have to see where your strength lies, and capitalize on that. You are extraordinary in Quantitative and Reasoning, but not quite in General Awareness and English. In this case, try to maximize your marks in the two sections, and try to clear the cutoff. Somehow, in the other two sections, I will share it in the order of my preparation level in each section, in decreasing order.
● General Awareness
This is the strongest section, and believe me. If you need to get as marks as others could in General Awareness so that you get a clear edge over other candidates. Since you prepared General Awareness in a very holistic manner, you will divide this into a few parts-

1.Current Affairs (CA)
This has the most weight in the General Awareness section, almost 40-45% questions come from that, and hence, it becomes quite a scoring part. It requires very less effort to prepare this. This is how you prepared Current Affairs “Reading” you just read, a lot, from multiple sources. Just spend one hour every day in CA, and you will score more marks. Some people like to make notes so that it can be helpful while revision. But this is a very personal thing. You should start preparing for a Current Affair for the last 100 days from the day of the exam.
2. Banking Awareness
This part is easy to prepare. First, go through the Faq on the RBI website. Once you’re done with this, go through the Banking Awareness Modules of General Knowledge today. It is freely available to read online on their website and there is no need to buy any book or you should be practiced by any free mock test for SBI PO Clerk site online freely.
3. Static GK
This part has the least cost-benefit ratio. As everything under the sun can be asked, but still, one should prepare it. You should focus on Indian Static General Knowledge Like Dams and rivers, National Park and Wild Life Sanctuary, Nuclear, Thermal and Hydro Power Plants, Content Management System and Governors, Capital and Currency of Countries, Head Quarters of major Organizations and also, the capitals and currencies of the countries to which our Prime Minister or President recently visited or the countries whose heads visited India.
● English Language
You should be the strategize for English in two parts.
1. If you belong to the “strong basic” group: If you have a strong base of the language, then it becomes an easy task to score decent marks. Then you just need to read the newspaper every day. Take the mock tests diligently. Analyze your mock test by free online practice test series and you’ll score well.

2. If you don’t have so strong basic group: The first thing that you should do is, buy book for grammar and read it from cover to cover as many times as you can and try to understand it. The other thing is reading. Read anything, newspaper, novels, magazines, advertisements. That helps you in knowing how to form sentences, where to use which idiom and phrase and so on. Vocabulary is something that is built over a period, and not overnight and it requires patience and hard work, the best way to widen your vocabulary is reading. It will just increase your vocabulary.
● Logical Reasoning

This is the most dynamic section in nature and it becomes challenging also in a way that it doesn’t have any “set syllabus”. We have seen a lot of change in banking exams, especially in Reasoning section. It is important to keep an open mind or one needs to be ready to face anything. The biggest part of this section is covered by Puzzles or Seating Arrangement. There is NO textbook for this section because this section is an ever-changing one. It has been noticed that the pattern of Reasoning is changing with every exam that IBPS is conducting and you should be practiced for this is free mock test IBPS Clerk. So, the biggest question bank or repository for Reasoning is this wonderful information. The questions in free mock test SBI PO clerk are of great help, as they provide a lot of variety. After that comes the miscellaneous questions like Input-Output, Coding-Decoding, Inequalities, Syllogisms, Direction Sense, Data Sufficiency, Ranking and Order, Critical reasoning – Assumptions, Conclusions, Cause, and Effect, etc. If you are not comfortable with Puzzles and Arrangements, then you should try to solve the “miscellaneous” part.
● Quantitative Aptitude/Data Interpretation
This section is hard. So, set your goal was to clear the sectional cutoff, somehow, anyhow or you should be practiced free mock test online. The problem with going for questions of the chapter of Quantitative Aptitude like Time and Distance, CI-SI, Time and Work is, they take a lot of time to prepare and you cannot complete any decent book on these chapters in a month. When you have a good concept of mathematics and time in hand, you should take up the book. This is a great book, and everyone who is preparing for Bank or SSC for that matter, must have it and solve online practice test series. Data Interruption is a very scoring part. It is calculative. The best source for a decent level of Data Interruption are free to mock test SBI PO Clerk come up a new type and set of Data Interruption in every test and this helps in building the concepts. Lets you know the variety of questions that can come.